2018 Comparison Products
Research Shows Conventional hand instrumentation leaves as much as 35% of the canals untouched. Irrigation, although an important part of the canal disinfection and debridement process, cannot in itself be relied on to optimize canal cleanliness. Proper irrigation protocol should include the use of enhanced endodontic solutions to facilitate removal of microorganisms, tissue remnants, and sentin chips from the root canal. Vista Dental offers a complete line of enhanced irrigation solutions that have been tested and proven for superior outcomes. Irrigants aremore effectivewhen they are electromechanically activated. Acoustic streaming and cavitation have been proven to significantly enhance cleansing of difficult anatomy. Ultrasonic energy not only disrupts biofilm while improving penetration of irrigants and removal of dentinal debris, but it also greatly reduces bacteria levels and improves root sealing.
Use with NEW, ENHANCED Activator Tips Highly durable titanium, increased flexibility, and increased power.
efficient. Better cleansing in less time! *
Removable Autoclavable Sleeve
Ultra effective. Better penetration of irrigants throughout canal!
Ultra sonic. Better acoustic streaming with cavitation!
LED light for improved visualization
Autoclavable Activator Tips
Contra-angle design for easy access
*ForReference: 1. Rizzo et al. 2017. PR61; AAE Annual MeetingPoster Presentation. 2. Pedulla et al. 2017. OR70; AAE Annual Meeting Oral Presentation. 3. Pedulla et al. 2017. Manuscript under review by IEJ. 4. Int J Clin Dent (10):1; 45-54. 5. Hoshing et al. 2017. Manuscript under review by RDE.
CALL TOLL FREE 877.418.4782 OR VISIT VISTA-DENTAL.com *MozoS,etal.(2012).Reviewofultrasonicirrigationinendodontics:increasingactionofirrigatingsolutions.MedOralPatolOralCirBucal.VanderSluisLW,etal.(2007). Passiveultrasonicirrigationoftherootcanal:areviewoftheliterature.IntEndodJ.TasdemirT,etal.(2008).Effectofpassiveultrasonicirrigationonapicalextrusionofirrigatingsolution.EurJDent.*AllsavingpercentagesarebasedonVista’squantitydiscountpricesandcompetitors’2017prices.
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