2016 General Catalog


S70 / S70D 70˚ degree angled surgery tip Generally used on anterior teeth.

SA / SAD - Universal design surgery tip Generally used on anterior teeth.

The S70D is diamond-coated to offer

SAD is diamond-coated to offer greater

greater durability and provide more abrasive

durability and provides more abrasive power.


S90 / S90D - 90˚ degree angled surgery tip Generally used on anterior teeth.

The S90D is diamond-coated to offer

greater durability and provide more

abrasive power.

SML / SMLD - Left angle surgery tip SMR / SMRD - Right Angle surgery tip Generally used on molars and pre-molars or on posterior teeth.

SMLD and SMRD are diamond-coated to offer

greater durability and provide more abrasive


SPL / SPLD - Left angle surgery tip SPR / SPRD - Right angle surgery tip Generally used on molars and pre-molars or on posterior teeth.

SPLD and SPRD are diamond-coated to offer

greater durability and provide more abrasive


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