2016 General Catalog


Periodontal Tips “H” series (hygiene) and “PT” series (perio thin) Price per tip: $98.50 Periodontal Tips for Piezo Pilot™ and...

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EMS* STYLE: Mini Piezon*, Scalex 880*, Bonart*, SuperSon EIE*, Master 400*, Parkel (Piezo)*, Dent America* Acteon* STYLE: Vista P5*, NSK*, Sybron Endo*, Obtura Spartan*, ADEC*, J.Morita*, Dentsply/Tulsa®*, Amdent* Call for tip compatibility with other units.

HC - Universal curette design (comes with tip wear marking) Designed for deep pocket access. Ideal for sub- and supra-gingival scaling. Powerful enough for medium to heavy calculus removal. Use edge of tip to guide motion for smooth results. HA - Light to medium sub-gingival calculus (Diamond-coated) Use this probe at low power levels to treat anterior teeth or as follow-up to more abrasive sub-gingival tips. PTU - Sub-gingival pocket scaling (comes with tip wear marking) Thin tip for sub-gingival scaling; simulates natural curvature of a tooth to provide easy access into pockets with minimal patient discomfort. This universal tip is extremely thin to minimize patient sensitivity and create a smoothly scaled surface.

PTL / PTR - Sub-gingival scaling (PTL - Left Bend / PTR - Right Bend) Used for lower-left and upper-right molars and pre-molars. Also effective for scaling interproximal spaces between molars.

HFL / HFR - Light scaling of difficult areas (Diamond-Coated) (HFL - Left Bend / HFR - Right Bend) Use on furcations and interproximal sides of molars and pre-molars. Proper use requires non-foot pedal actuated placement, followed by activating foot pedal, scaling, releasing foot pedal and removal of tip. Use at low power settings.

THREAD STYLE EMS*: Acteon*: Amdent*:

HA [502102] [401102] [403102]

HC [502103] [401103] [403103]

HFL [502203] [401203] [403203]

HFR [502204] [401204] [403204]

PTL [502201] [401201] [403501]

PTR [502202] [401202] [403502]

PTU [502104] [401104] [403104]

Left Bend Sub-gingival pocket scaling of

Left Bend light scaling of hard-to-reach areas

Right Bend Sub-gingival pocket scaling of

Right Bend Sub-gingival pocket scaling of

Universal curette design for sub and Supra-Gingival Calculus

Light to medium Supra-Gingival Calculus

Sub-gingival pocket scaling

Use for:

molars and pre-molars

(furcations and interproximal)

molars and pre-molars

molars and pre-molars








*Satelec® isa registered trademarkofSATELECSAS (ACTEONgroup).*Acteon®andNewtron®areboth registered trademarksofPierreRollandCorporation.*Hu-Friedy® isa registered trademarkof Hu-FriedyMfg.Co., Inc. *PIEZON® isa registered trademarkofE.M.SElectroMedicalSystemsS.A.*Ultrawave®andUltradent®areboth registered trademarksofULTRADENTProducts, Inc.*NSK isa registered trademarkofNakanishi INC.Corporation. *Dentsply® isa registered trademarkofDENTSPLY International.*Amdent® isa registered trademarkofAmdentABCORPORATION.*AllsavingpercentagesarebasedonVista’squantitydiscountpricesandcompetitors’2015prices. CALL TOLL FREE 877.418.4782 OR VISIT VISTA-DENTAL.com 56

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