2015 Catalog
LAUNDRY, HOUSEKEEPING, GENERAL UTILITY TRUCKS Also Used by Thousands of Colleges and Universities on Move-In/Move-Out Day NON-REPLACEABLE PERMANENTLY STITCHED LINER - Duck (Canvas) (D) or Vinyl (V) Rust-proof bottom with body steel rods concealed in liner. Vinyl (V) Gray, Orange, Black, White, Caster Canvas Burgundy, Yellow, Red, Bushels Size Duck (D) Green, Blue Available 6 3 $140.00 $136.00 8 3 154.00 149.00 10 3 160.00 155.00 12 3 175.00 170.00 14 3 197.00 191.00 16 3 201.00 195.00 18 3 214.00 208.00 20 3 243.00 241.00 24 4 282.00 279.00 Note: 5 casters available for an extra $30.00 per cart. Cover caps and cart liners which prolong the life of carts are featured on page 39. Dimensions shown on top of next page. #32 GM Heavy Duty Truck Comes with 3 casters Ideal for Correctional Facilities. No Rods Exposed. Leather Rim Top
Also available with lockable wood lid. See page 42, model #82.
#22 TRUCK with Removable Replaceable Liner Heavy Duty Duck (D) or 18 Oz. Vinyl Nylon Liner (V) Plated Rust-Proof Frame and Bottom Liners easily detached for washing and cleaning.
More Vinyl Color Choices Now Available!
NEW! Push Nā Pull Handle for utility trucks now available ā see page 28.
Removable Liner
Corner mount (non-tilt)
Corner mount (non-tilt)
Diamond mount (tilt)
Heavy Duty #22 Truck comes with 3 casters
4 swivel casters
2 rigid and 2 swivel casters 2 rigid and 2 swivel casters
Please Select Caster Arrangement as Shown Above For Liners Please Specify
ELEVATED SPRING PLATFORM Helps Prevent Strains by having linen rise to waist level
D = Duck (Canvas) V = Vinyl (Gray) or colors listed below
Dimensions shown on top of next page.
*Vinyl (V) Gray, Orange, Black, White,
Canvas Burgundy, Yellow, Red,
Duck (D)
Green, Blue Available
6 8
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
$144.00 153.00 161.00 173.00 184.00 193.00 199.00 244.00
$141.00 151.00 157.00 171.00 182.00 191.00 197.00 244.00
Bushel #125P Capacity Springs for Canvas/Vinyl for Molded 6 4 $60.00 $67.00 8 4 62.00 69.00 10 4 64.00 70.00 12 4 65.00 71.00 14 6 80.00 86.00 16 6 83.00 86.00 18 6 85.00 88.00 20 6 87.00 89.00 Springs only 14.00 15.00 # of #125
10 12 14 16 18 20
Note: 5 casters available for an extra $30.00 per cart. *Light duty collapsible vinyl trucks are now available in all bushel sizes. Ships knocked down by UPS for reduced freight costs. Recommended for very light loads only. Call or email for pricing for collapsible vinyl trucks.
See our website for a complete color chart !
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