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To provide vital funding for cancer research to create a cancer-free world.

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Founded by siblings Ryan and Kelley LaFontaine, it is the ongoing mission of the U CAN-CER VIVE Foundation to provide vital funding and support for local cancer research grants.Upon becoming an official nonprofit foundation in February 2016,U CAN-CER VIVE has raised nearly $3,000,000, providing funds for 12 research grants, two of which are currently active in the State of Michigan.This passion for the fight against cancer stems from the heart and soul of the LaFontaines’ commitment to giving back after experiencing the affliction of cancer firsthand. continually looking for caring individuals willing to donate to the cause and help fund future research grants in the State of Michigan.Through its support of key cancer-focused research initiatives, watching firsthand how these amazing doctors and researchers have been able to grow their research scope and results, ultimately garnering national and international attention and additional funding. Each dollar raised goes directly toward the U CAN-CER VIVE mission. ‰ÝŚ : Ç ě‰K :ÝÃÃĩÇŽěť ‰K¸ĀӞ In order to achieve its mission,U CAN-CER VIVE is

yĩěĩĄK KřKÇěČ • JUNE ¸K AKĄČ‰ŽĀ Ryan LaFontaine Co-founder Kelley LaFontaine Co-founder

CONTACT 248.714.1164 ŚK9ȎěK Ucancervive.com ČÝ:Ž ¸ ÃKAŽ facebook.com/ucancervivefoundation Instagram: @ucancervive

Evening ForThe Cure • JULY Drive ForThe Cure • AUGUST Run ForThe Cure • SEPTEMBER Golf ForeThe Cure




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