CRIM 2021 8.28.2021 DOWNTOWN FLINT Downtown Flint was in a frenzy with the glorious return of the much-missed Crim Festival of Races. Not only was this year’s race remarkable due to a \HDU VSHQW LQ KLDWXV EXW LW ZDV DOVR WKH ¿QDO UDFH participation for its founder, Bobby Crim. Mr. Crim SDVVHG WKH ¿QLVK OLQH ZLWK DQ DYDODQFKH RI DSSODXVH from spectators. This year’s overall 10-mile male winner was Zachary Ornelas from Ann Arbor with a time of 50:53; the overall female winner was Sydney Devore from Ferndale with a time of 58:45. PHOTOGRAPHY BY TIM JAGIELO
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