
workday equals a future health problem. We must resist! If you must, pick one day a week to treat yourself at lunch and make sure to double your movement that day. Get rid of the open boxes of snacks and sugary drinks. If you need to sip during the day, sip water. Keep a refillable container at your desk. Dehydra tion will certainly add to a tiring day. media. Nothing is more distracting or can disrupt your train of thought more than staring at your phone or browsing social media, and that doesn’t begin to consider its effect on your men tal health. Too much negativity can make for a depressing day and change your outlook on even the simplest of tasks. Avoid it, if pos sible, or at least limit access with a “phone time” schedule. 6. Put the mobile phone away and limit social

7. Practice mindfulness. Speaking of mental health, take some time to work on yours. Don’t be afraid to take five minutes and just “zone out” and clear your mind. Close your eyes and concentrate on breathing out the stress. In with the good air, out with the bad. In with the good, out with the bad … 8. Believe that all your coworkers are your allies. (Yes, even the back-stabby ones.) For many, this will be the hardest thing to do because we all have that “one” coworker. Maybe they sit kitty-corner from you, staring at three computers, design ing whatever all day and when you are minding your business and think ing about what a nice day you are having … bang! Drama. Yes, even those people are your allies. Think positively. Maybe they just need a friend and being with friends is a good way to mitigate stress. Š

REFERENCES Avon. (2021). Top ten health tips for office workers. Avonchiro practicclinic.com. Retrieved from avonchiropracticclinic.com/blog/ top-ten-health-tips-for-office-workers Daum, K. (2021). 25 ways you can make your life happier in the office. Inc.com. Retrieved from inc.com/kevin-daum/25-ways-you can-make-your-life-healthier-in-the-office.html Pacific Prime. (2021). 10 biggest health problems from working in an office. Pacificprime.com. Retrieved from pacificprime.com/ blog/10-biggest-health-problems-working-office.html WebMD. (2021). 10 tips to improve your health at work. WebMD. com. Retrieved from webmd.com/women/features/10-tips-to-im prove-your-health-at-work

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