
According to the American Lung Association, more than 16.4 million people have been diagnosed with COPD, with 3.5 million of those individuals having emphysema.

While there’s no cure, it can be treated and managed through med ications, oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabil itation. Even with these treatments, more than one million emphysema patients suffer symptoms of hyperinflation – where air becomes trapped in damaged areas of the lung and puts pressure on healthier parts of the lungs. This can cause extreme shortness of breath and make activities like walk ing or eating difficult. With limited treatment options, the only other alternatives include inva sive procedures like lung volume reduction surgery or transplantation. “Medical care for em physema often involves bronchodilators, and if the patient gets worse, we use oxygen therapy,” said M. Ghiath Bayasi, MD,

a physician board certi fied in pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine. “Traditional surgery may remove damaged areas of the lung, but these procedures have frequent complications, especially for people with emphysema who often have heart disease and increased complications, putting them at greater risk and longer recovery time. In contrast, I can now perform a new endobronchial valve procedure using a bron choscopy which requires no incisions or cutting,” explains Dr. Bayasi. During the proce dure, three to five tiny valves are inserted in the

diseased area of the lung. The valves prevent air from getting into the bad part of the lungs but allow trapped air to escape. The healthy part of the lungs are able to expand more fully, relieving pressure on the diaphragm and mak ing breathing easier. “This new treatment can increase quality of life for years,” said Dr. Bayasi. “It’s a great advancement that is providing signif icant benefits including improvements in lung function and quality of life out to at least 24 months, and improve ments in exercise capacity out to at least 18 months.” Clio resident Krystal McCotter was among

Dr. Bayasi’s initial pa tients to receive the new endobronchial valve. “Before the procedure, I could hardly breathe. Now I’m back to where I was years ago. I feel 100 percent better,” McCot ter said. “I have a garden outside, and I’m so glad I can do gardening again. It’s nice to be outside.” Individuals who may be eligible for this procedure must have a diagnosis of severe COPD with emphyse ma and hyperinflation, breathlessness despite taking medications and a relatively high degree of airway obstruction. For more information, talk with your physician. Š




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