
Tommie Franklin, RN helps complete an Advance Directive document at GHCI.

“Don’t leave these important decisions up to someone who doesn’t know what you want.” Tommie Franklin, RN both, and they cannot speak on behalf of each other. Franklin will work with you to help you complete your Ad vance Directive documents and ensure they are legal. The service is free of charge and available to anyone in the community. Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute presents free month ly Advance Care Planning presentations for any Genesee

County resident. Upcoming presentations are Tuesday, October 19 at 1pm; Tuesday, November 16 at 1:30pm and Tuesday, December 14 at 1pm, at Genesys Hurley Cancer In stitute, 302 Kensington Avenue in Flint. If you are unable to at tend a presentation, call Tom mie Franklin at 810.908.5972 and she will arrange an ap pointment with you. To sign up for a presentation, call Franklin at 810.908.5972, or register online at ghci.org. You can find additional information on Advance Care Planning by con tacting the Greater Flint Health Coalition - Your Health Your Choice at YHYC@flint.org. Š Think about it. Talk about it. Share your wishes. Document your wishes.

Here are a few steps Franklin recommends for those pursu ing an Advance Care Plan: • Choose an advocate – some one you trust completely to follow your wishes. • Complete an Advance Direc tive, a legal document speci fying your wishes. Once com pleted, the Advance Directive becomes a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare. • Make many copies. Give one to your physician, one to your advocate, one to your advance care planning facilitator, take one with you when you travel and keep one in a safe place at home. • If a husband and wife choose each other as their advocate, designate a sec ond primary advocate in the event something happens to


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