My Wellness
7 Questions with...
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A: I’ve always had a calling to public service to some degree. Growing up, I wanted to be a police officer. Ultimately, I ended up in health care where I can continue to fulfill my dream of service to the community. Q: What was your very first job? A: I was a busboy at a Greek restaurant. Q: What’s one work-related thing you want to accomplish in the next year? A: I want to continue McLaren’s com mitment to constant improvements in the quality of care we provide to our patients and the community, and patient and teammember safety. Q: What do you do to keep fit? A: I work out six days a week using weights 4-5 and doing cardio 1-2. Q: What is one of your pet peeves? A: Procrastination! I want positive changes to happen quickly, which leads me to constantly push myself and my team to keep momentum. Q: What is your definition of success? A: Success means being able to do something you love that contrib utes to the betterment of others. Q: What’s your most prized possession and why? A: My family is the pride and joy of my life. They are an integral support system and every day, I acknowledge that I’m blessed to have each of them. Q:
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