My City May 2023
initiative needs all the help it can get. “There are two ways to get on the ballot,” says Swanson. “One is to get enough petition signatures and the second is via legis lative vote. We are pursuing both – these animals cannot wait.” The initiative will need 500,000 petition signatures in 180 days to be placed on the ballot. Sheriff Swanson and his team have made a stretch goal of 750,000 signatures to ensure they exceed the requirement. Protect MI Pet is hoping for robust support. If you
would like to become a vol unteer, donate to the cause, or find more information, please visit Please stay informed to add your signature to the petition when the time comes and, of course, to vote “YES” in November. “It’s estimated that the initiative has a 87% chance of passing if it is able to find its way onto the ballot,” says Swanson. “Animals cannot testify or voice their pain. It’s up to us to help them.” Help Protect MI Pet end the cruelty. Visit ◆
“Animals cannot tes tify or voice their pain. It’s up to us to help them.” Sheriff Chris Swanson
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