My City May 2023


GAME: Lake Ponemah connects two other lakes, Aanikegamaa Lake and Tupper Lake. The Shiawassee

west of Genesee Rd.), one small craft boat launch (off Stanley Rd.), four floating fishing piers, and shoreline fishing.

Big Fish Lake LOCATION: Ortonville

Lake Nepessing LOCATION: Elba Township in Lapeer County off Lake Nepessing Rd. DEPTH: 25 ft. (Max.) ACCESS: One public boat launch (off of Hunt Rd.) GAME: A local favorite, home to the bowfin, one of the rarest fishes in Michigan. While hunting the rare fish, anglers will most likely catch bluegill and sunfish which make up almost 90% of the fish in Lake Nepessing. Others include rock bass, yellow perch, bullhead, black crappie, warmouth, large mouth bass and northern pike. Murphy Lake LOCATION: 3 miles NE of Millington in the Murphy Lake State Game Area in Tuscola County DEPTH: 41 ft. (Max.) ACCESS: One public boat launch (off Murphy Lake Rd.) and shoreline fishing GAME: Anglers will find black crappie, bluegill, sun fish, catfish, smallmouth bass, walleye and northern pike.

River runs through the lake bringing a wide array of game with it. Anglers on Lake Ponemah will

Recreation Area in Lapeer County just west of Davi son Lake off Hadley Rd. DEPTH: 70 ft. (Max.) ACCESS: One public boat launch and shoreline fishing (Big Fish Lake Park) GAME: Nearly 75% of the game is bluegill and pump kinseed sunfish. Black crappie, bullhead, grass pickerel, large mouth bass and northern pike round out the rest. Whether or not the lake lives up to its name remains to be seen. Why not give it a go and find out for yourself? Davison Lake LOCATION: Southern end of Lapeer County just east of Big Fish Lake off W. Davison Lake Rd. DEPTH: 67 ft. (Max.) ACCESS: One public boat launch (Big Fish Lake Rd.) GAME: The Fish variety mirrors that of its neighbor Big Fish Lake in a much more private setting. Fishermen will hook a bevy of bluegill, sunfish, black crappie, rock bass, yellow perch, largemouth bass and northern pike.

catch their fair share of black crappie, multiple varieties of sunfish, yellow perch, small and largemouth bass, suckers, walleye and northern pike. Lobdell Lake (and Bennett Lake) LOCATION: Southern end of ACCESS: One public boat launch (off of Seymour Rd.) GAME: Lobdell connects to Bennett Lake in Livingston County and fisher men can enjoy both from the Lobdell such as sunfish, yellow perch, black crappie, grass pickerel, largemouth bass and north ern pike. Mott Lake LOCATION: One mile NE of Argentine Township DEPTH: 78 ft. (Max.) Lake access point. The lakes hold a variety of panfish and predators

GAME: Mott Lake was created in 1972 for public recreation with the construction of the Mott Dam.The lake has been stocked with a variety of fish throughout the years, last stocked in the late 90s. Catfish, bluegill and walleye makeup 87% of all fish in Mott Lake at last DNR count. Anglers can also find smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, yellow perch, rock bass, black crappie, sunfish, bullhead and northern pike. Otter Lake LOCATION: NE corner of Genesee County in Forest Township DEPTH: 117 ft. (Max.) ACCESS: One public boat launch (off of Genesee Ave.) GAME: Potentially the deepest little lake in Genesee County, Otter Lake is known to be a fun fishing spot for all ages. Bluegill make up 78% of the fish but skilled anglers can easily find black crappie, large mouth bass, bullhead, northern pike and warmouth.

Black crappie and bluegill make up nearly 82% of all fish in Murphy Lake. ◆

Flint off Genesee Rd. DEPTH: 18 ft. (Max.)

ACCESS: One public boat launch (James Bassett Dr.,


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