Akron Life May 2023
story and photos by Shawn Davis
Howlin’ Good Dogs dine with you at Doodle Drive-in.
Man’s best friend gets a spot at the table at the newer Doodle Drive in, a restaurant where everything is designed to be enjoyed with your pup. Find drive in stations, ample patio seating and a spacious dining room, plus a fenced in “pawtio” dog park with green space for romping around. There’s a specialized pup menu too, so it’s a great way to treat yourself and your four-legged friend to a meal you can share. out and do things,” says Sue Hand, who is a co-owner and head chef of the restaurant that opened in May 2022 in the for mer Retro Dog spot. “We get a lot of people that hike the trails and then afterward, they come and basically carb-load with their dog.” Spoil your doggy by ordering from the Puppy Bites menu of canine-geared dishes including the Doodle cup ($5), which “There wasn’t an area that you could just bring your dog, hang
akronlife.com | MAY 2023
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